Strange baryonic matter and Λ hypernuclei in the improved quark mass density-dependent model
Chen Wu, Yu-Gang Ma, Wei-Liang Qian, Ru-Keng Su
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Entanglement Entropy in Holographic P-Wave Superconductor/Insulator Model
Rong-Gen Cai, Li Li, Li-Fang Li, Ru-Keng Su
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Hypernclear in the improved quark mass density- dependent model
Chen Wu, Yu-Gang Ma, Wei-Liang Qian, Ru-Keng Su
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Slowly rotating neutron stars and hadronic stars in chiral SU(3) quark mean field model
Shaoyu Yin, Jiadong Zang, Ru-Keng Su
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Consistent Thermodynamics for Quasiparticle Boson System with Zero Chemical Potential
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Nuclear matter and neutron matter for improved quark mass density- dependent model with rho mesons
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Quark deconfinement phase transition for improved quark mass density-dependent model
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Consistent thermodynamic treatment for a quark-mass density-dependent model
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Improved density-dependent quark mass model with quark-σ meson and quark-ω meson couplings
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Thermodynamics of system with density- and/or temperature-dependent mass particles
Shaoyu Yin, Ru-Keng Su
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Extended quark mass density- and temperature- dependent model and the deconfinement phase transition.
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A Possible explanation for AMS doubly charged anomalous event
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Hot strange hadronic matter in an effective model
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Stability of strangelets in the quark mass density- and temperature-dependent model
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Properties of strange matter in a model with effective Lagrangian
Ping Wang, Ru-Keng Su, Hong-Qiu Song, Li-Liang Zhang,
Liquid gas phase transition in a two components isospin lattice gas model for asymmetric nuclear matter.
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Stability of strangelet at finite temperature.
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The effect of the effective nucleon nucleon rho-meson coupling density dependence on liquid-gas phase transition in hot asymmetric nuclear matter
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The density effects on the thermal production rate of dilepton in QGP
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The effects of vacuum fluctuations on rho meson masses in hot and dense matter
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The Effect of surface and Coulomb interaction on the liquid gas phase transition of finite nuclei
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Strange hadronic matter in a chiral model.
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Phase structure of strange matter in a nontopological soliton model
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Thermodynamical fluctuations of meson fields for the Zimanyi-Moszkowski model
Ru-Keng Su, Tao Long, Yi-Jun Zhang , P.K.N. Yu, E.C.M. Young
Improved nuclear model with derivative scalar couplings and rho meson mass at finite temperature and density
Ping Wang, Zhi-Wei Chong, Ru-Keng Su, P.K.N. Yu
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QCD sum rules and J / psi suppression in hot hadronic matter and quark gluon plasma
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Vacuum fluctuation effects on the rho meson mass and the one rho exchange potential at finite temperature and density
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The Effective mass and screening mass of the rho meson for the vector dominance model and the vector coupling model at finite temperature and density
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Fluctuation effects of meson fields on quantum hadrodynamics at finite temperature
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Quasinormal Modes of Phantom Scalar Perturbation in Background of Reissner-Nordstrom Black Hole
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Stability of the warped black string with nontrivial topology in five-dimensional Anti-de Sitter spacetime
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The phase transition and the quasi-normal modes of black holes
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Wave dynamics of a six-dimensional black hole localized on a tensional three-brane
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Thermodynamic geometry and critical behavior of black holes
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Numerical simulation of the massive scalar field evolution in the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole background
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Entropy bound for a charged rotating system
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Extreme black hole entropy obtained in an operational approach
Bin Wang, Ru-Keng Su, Elcio Abdalla
Different quantum entropies for two kinds of extreme two-dimensional Lowe-Strominger black holes
Bin Wang, Ru-Keng Su
Geometry and topology of two kinds of extreme Reissner-Nordstrom - Anti-de Sitter black holes
Bin Wang , Elcio Abdalla, Ru-Keng Su
Can three-dimensional extreme black holes develop from their nonextreme counterparts?
Bin Wang, E. Abdalla, Ru-Keng Su
Entropy, topology of two-dimensional extreme black holes
Bin Wang, Ru-Keng Su
Quantum entropy of two-dimensional extreme charged dilaton black hole
Bin Wang, Ru-Keng Su, P.K.N. Yu
Two kinds of extreme black holes and their classification
Bin Wang, Ru-Keng Su
Can nonextremal Reissner-Nordstrom black hole become extremal by assimilating infalling charged particle and shell?
Bin Wang, Ru-Keng Su, P.K.N. Yu, E.C.M. Young
Geometry of the extreme Kerr black holes
Bin Wang, Ru-Keng Su , P.K.N. Yu
Testing a stability conjecture of Cauchy horizons in three-dimensional black holes
Bin Wang, Ru-Keng Su
Hawking evaporation for the (2+1)-dimensional radiating black hole
Rong-Gen Cai, Yi-Jun Zhang, Ru-Keng Su
Thermodynamical fluctuation and phase transition in a two-dimensional dilaton black hole with a heat bath
Rong-Gen Cai, Ru-Keng Su, P.K.N. Yu
Scalar wormhole at finite temperature
Rong-Shi Pan, Ru-Keng Su, Cheng-Gang Su
Phase transition in (1+1)-dimensional charged dilaton black holes
Rong-Gen Cai, Ru-Keng Su
Stability of the event horizon in (2+1)-dimensional black holes
Bin Wang , Ru-Keng Su , P.K.N. Yu
Statistical mechanics of (2+1)-dimensional black holes
Rong-Gen Cai, Ru-Keng Su , P.K.N. Yu
Black holes in de Sitter space and the stability conjecture of Cauchy horizons
Rong-Gen Cai, Ru-Keng Su
Statistical mechanics of two-dimensional dilaton black holes
Rong-Gen Cai, Ru-Keng Su, P.K.N. Yu
Thermodynamics for black strings and p-branes
Rong-Gen Cai, Ru-Keng Su , P.K.N. Yu
Nonequilibrium thermodynamic fluctuations of charged dilaton black holes
Rong-Gen Cai, Ru-Keng Su , P.K.N. Yu
Physical properties of a soliton black hole at finite temperature
Rong- Shi Pan , Ru- Keng Su
Scalar Soliton Black Hole At Finite Temperature
Rong-Shi Pan , Ru-Keng Su
Temperature effect on the power spectrum in inflation
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An alternative explanation of the conflict between 1/R gravity and solar system tests
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Friedmann equation and Cardy formula correspondence in brane universes
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Relating Friedmann equation to Cardy formula in universes with cosmological constant
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The contribution of axial-anomaly triangle diagrams for the pi0 --> 2gamma process in cosmology
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Gravitational Effects On Vacuum Decay At Finite Temperature
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